Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Miracle ~

Watching “Kelsey the Miracle Baby” reminded me of my own miracle baby.  When I was approaching 30, I was carrying my first child.  I was so excited that I could barely think of anything else.  One day I woke up to horror.  I was bleeding profusely.  I took myself to the doctors and after a long day of testing was told that I would, if I hadn’t already, lose the baby.  All I could do was go home and lay down until the bleeding stopped.

I went home and alone on a tiny bed in an extra bedroom, I looked out the window at a beautiful blue sky beyond a huge tree that loomed in my backyard.  As I watched the white wisps of clouds float by, I prayed.  “God if you are real, if you are really there, let me have this baby and I promise I will teach her to know you.”  Little did I know at the time that you’re not supposed to bargain with God.  Yet in my ignorance, he heard my prayer and answered me.  I actually knew as I stared out the window for who knows how long, that He answered me.

I often reflect back and think about the story of a man who didn’t know Jesus.  He asked a pastor how he could get to know Jesus.  The pastor explained about prayer, just talking to Jesus and that he would answer.  The man went his way and everyday he would say, “Hi Jesus, I’m John.”  One day he was lying on his death bed and the pastor came to see him.  He said, “Pastor, I saw Jesus and I talked to him.”  The pastor asked, “What did you say.”  John replied, I said “Hi Jesus, I’m John.”  Then the pastor asked, “What did Jesus say.”  John looked at him with a big smile and answered, “He said, Hi John, I’m Jesus.”  I realized that God was doing the very same thing for me; He was meeting me where I was.

Back to the story, when I went back to the doctors, they ran all their tests.  I was a little scared when the doctor approached me because he looked forlorn.  The doctor proceeded to tell me that I was still pregnant.  He could only surmise (guess – after all he had to have an explanation) that it was an aborted twin.  I knew better; I knew when I laid on that bed that I had been answered.  I suspect the doctor somehow knew I had experienced a miracle as well.

I went home and decorated my unborn baby girls room with rainbows remembering God’s love and His promises.  I celebrated my miracle girl from that moment, and God celebrated that I had entered into the fold.  I searched, I prayed, I found a good church, and I was faithful to my word.  Funny thing, I also knew that He knew I would keep my promise.

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